Tubes & Litho Sheets


What have Tubes got to do with a bindery like ours? Well, as you will see in the following images, we are the guys who apply/wrap the litho sheets around the tubes and fill the Tubes! Tubes used to be used exclusively to mail wall calendars. Now, manufacturers produce 100,000s of Tubes to hold maps, artwork, socks, kids toys, food, candy, etc.

Anstey Book Binding - Tubes & Litho Sheets

The image above shows a “naked” Tube that’s waiting for us to apply a litho wrap.

In addition to the Tube wrapping, you’ll notice the ends of the Tubes have either metal or plastic caps. The bottom cap is usually glued and the top cap can be removed. For custom Tube projects, most manufacturers don’t apply the printed sheets for the outside. This is where we come into the picture! We have the expertise to:

  • Spec the printed litho wrap (including spoilage requirements)
  • Provide delivery time
  • Source the Tube caps
  • Fill the tubes
  • Produce runs ranging from 25 to 2,500 Tubes

Anstey Book Binding - Tubes & Litho Sheets

The image above shows a Tube with metal cap pieces that are embossed.

Anstey Book Binding - Tubes & Litho Sheets

The image above shows a Tube with plastic caps

Anstey Book Binding - Tubes & Litho Sheets

The image above shows a Tube with metal caps

We know which manufacturers are best for:

  • Supplying Large diameter Tubes
  • Doing Short or long runs
  • Manufacturing thick or thin walled Tubes
  • Providing fast turn around times
  • Supplying coloured cap pieces

Anstey Book Binding - Tubes & Litho Sheets

Anstey Book Binding - Tubes & Litho Sheets

When you think you need a different way of packaging; think print mounted tubes!

Anstey Book Binding - Tubes & Litho Sheets

Anstey Book Binding - Tubes & Litho Sheets


  • Cylinder
  • Multiple lengths
  • Multiple diameters
  • Different Tube cap colours
  • Metal caps can embossed or debossed (see pictures)


  • Durable
  • Easy to open & close

Factors to Consider

  • Coloured Tube caps such as red or blue have long delivery times
  • The product is bulky! A run of 1,000 Tubes takes up a great deal of space (several full skids) and this can affect your mailing and shipping costs

I usually send samples on request but for this product it’s too bulky to mail. Pictures will have to do!