
One of the most important parts of the sales process for both graphic designers and printers is the procession and use of finished samples.  The old adage “a picture is worth a thousand words” is still very true.  Could I suggest that a sample is better than a thousand pictures!


We have the largest sample department for finish/bindery products in North America!  We have 252 different categories of products, ranging from coloured saddle stitched books, multiple coloured smyth sewn products to roll-a-bind books, accordion books and z-fold cards.


We have 31 categories of folded samples, 19 different styles of book binding, 9 styles of decorations, 9 different materials such as cork, veneer, plastic, foam, leather, cloth, suede, steel…the list goes on.




How is this of help to you?  Visit us.  Call for a time when our appropriate people can be available.  Take some samples…a range of samples…maybe ask us to make up a “dummy” from blank paper.

Case study: four companies asked us for the same quote on a very unusual kind of finishing/bindery job.  A few days after only one of the four visited our sample department.  They looked at a wide range of samples, discussed the finishing process, potential production problems and left with samples and a much greater understanding process.  I think you guessed which of the four got the job.  Think samples. Please call and visit.