Perpetual Folder

This is by far the most intriguing, innovative, cost-effective and easy to use “movement piece” I’ve ever seen. Of all the printed “moving” pieces I have and will present, this piece is the second cheapest to produce next to the “Broad-side” piece I showed on June 19.

Perpetual Folder
Perpetual Folder

Perpetual Folder

This piece is not patented, although some companies go to great extremes to give the impression that the piece is patented and that they own the patent! This piece has several copyrighted names such as “flapper” copyrighted by “Structural Graphics”, perpetual, infinity, endless etc. With no instructions, a user can “flip” the glued-die-cut panels and see four, completely different pictures!

Perpetual Folder
Perpetual Folder
Perpetual Folder

My favourite name for the piece is the “perpetual folder.”  They come in endless sizes, stock weights from 8 point to 20 point, coated or uncoated stock.  They can be automatically inserted in envelopes.  We can produce 10’s of thousands per day.

Perpetual Folder
Perpetual Folder

The “perpetual folder” is arguably the most customer intriguing piece around!


  • Flat
  • Stiff


  • Durable
  • No instructions needed
  • Unique


Always understand when to use different binding techniques.

There are a number of different commercial binding techniques that offer varying aesthetic qualities and practical applications.  Which techniques is best for your project depends upon specifications such as page extent and format.  For example, an A4 40-page concert program can either be “stitched to wires” or “perfect bound” (glued pages into the cover) The use of case binding for a hardcover book, where the pages are collated in sections and held in place by use of an endpaper, would be wholly inappropriate. Firstly, you don’t have enough pages for the cover to physically work (the thickness of the pages when collated is too thin to allow the binding to be “built”.)  Secondly, even if it were possible, the cost would be prohibitive; case binding is a much more expensive process to employ.  So you not only need to consider the suitability of the binding to the project but also the cost implications.

***The old adage “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words” is very true but a sample is better than a thousand pictures!!!

Call us for samples.  We would be glad to oblige.