Hardback Notesbooks


We made the notebook shown in the above image. The client wanted a specific notebook designed by Moleskine but turned to us because the cost was over budget. We matched the notebook specifications and, between the printer and ourselves, our combined price was substantially cheaper than the original Moleskine notebook. Our client was thrilled with the final product!

Notebooks - Anstey Book Binding

The notebook shown above has a unique, patterned cover and elastic closure

Notebooks - Anstey Book Binding

The notebooks we produce can have virtually any colour or texture of cover

Moleskine is the world’s largest seller of soft and hard cover notebooks by a multiple of several times. Because Moleskine sells millions of these books annually, their buying power enables them to offer custom coloured, textured and coated covers that are hard to match. The good news … we can make notebooks with a huge range of cover colours and materials, elastic closures, expandable pockets, etc. for substantially lower prices!

Notebooks - Anstey Book Binding

The notebook shown above has an expandable pocket inside the back cover

Notebooks - Anstey Book Binding

The notebook shown above has a cloth cover and elastic closure

Notebooks by Anstey Book Binding – Anstey Canada

For more information about Anstey Book Binding please call 416 757 9991 or contact us here.