Sample Display Box

B2B Sample Display Box

Sample Display Box

We outdid ourselves again! Just four weeks ago, I described the largest sample display box we have ever produced, called NITRAM. The sample display box for this week is bigger and more complex! This B2B sample display box for Wolf Trax a Canadian “performance fertilizer company,” measures 19” wide x 11” long x 5” deep!

Wolf Trax Sample Box

This project required 9 dies and 7 adjustments as the job progressed. Sometimes the cavities for the sample containers didn’t fit properly or allowances had to be increased for rounded 90-degree angles or the thickness of the ‘walls’ in the printed graphics wrap (see image below).

Wolf Trax Sample Box

The image below shows the style of handle chosen for this piece, which happens to be one of the most cost effective options, among hundreds.

Wolf Trax Sample Box


  • Extra large size and format
  • Easy of carrying, with self-locking box
  • Well balanced

Wolf Trax Sample Box

Wolf Trax Sample Box


  • Very durable
  • Easy to access materials, including pamphlets, containers, USB drive and a box
  • Cost effective for the purpose of the box, which is to be an “all in” marketing piece

Lately, we have seen more sample display box jobs than ever before, which are used for B2B sales and also, very interestingly, retail sales!