Corner Folder

What is a corner folder? A corner folder is simply a square (most often square) printed piece that has all four corners folded to meet in the center.  Corner folds can be produced in a wide range of sizes, stock weights and paper textures.  In most instances we can fold the four corners automatically.  If the stock is heavier the piece has to be die creased before folding.  In some instances, we are able to glue down with fugitive glue, each of the four corners.  In some instances, the piece requires a label or sticker where the four corners meet.  If this is done, the piece can be automatically inserted into envelopes for mailing.  Of the 18 different brochure styles that I will be presenting, this corner fold piece is one of the three cheapest for us to produce.

Corner Folder

Corner Folder

Corner Folder

Corner Folder

Corner Folder

Corner Folder

Corner Folder

Corner Folder

Corner Folder

Corner Folder

Corner Folder

Corner Folder

Corner Folder

Corner Folder


Always learn about different finishing techniques

A printed object is a three-dimensional form. Just because Adobe InDesign displays standard double pages on a spread, does not mean that this is the only format.  Paper can be cut, perforated, folded in unique ways, and trimmed to unexpected shapes.  A business card can be oval, die-cut or folded. A publication can have a cover that only extends to the middle of the first page or folds over to create a gatefold.  A letterhead can be trimmed with rounded corners.  When appropriate, add scratch and sniff.  This might be more difficult to sell to the client if it’s a pet company, but perfect for a florist or sweet shop.  Remember, the page, book or poster is apiece of sculpture.  It can be flat or as complex as origami.  Unless you are aware of the possibilities, your work will remain flat – no pun intended.

***The old adage “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words” is very true but a sample is better than a thousand pictures!!!

Call us for samples.  We would be glad to oblige.