Custom Setup Boxes

This video features three of the most common types of Setup Boxes that we produce all in-house. We have two machines that produce these boxes, which go by various trade names. The first orange box shown above is the most common type of Setup Box. If there’s confusion as to what type of box that is (because there are so…

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Setup Boxes is an industry term for boxes that are not collapsible and are very sturdy. They’re also wrapped boxes, meaning the actual box is chipboard, but the final product is covered in a material like litho printed sheets, cloth, faux leather, plastic film laminate, etc. We make Setup Boxes in unusual sizes – as small as 3” wide x…

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Google Box

This probably is the most impressive, single ply, die-cut, glued box hat I ever seen!!!  One of the genius components of this box is the extent to which it can be assembled automatically, while at first glance the piece appears to be complex, when it is taken apart, it appears to be much simpler.  The required die-cutting is rather straight…

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